Dorothy M. Halbert-Chamblin

Dorothy M. Halbert-Chamblin, 76, passed away September 5, 2020 of a heart attack. She was born April 22, 1944 .
Dorothy was smart, beautiful, and trendy. She had a great smile and an infectious laugh. She was a hard worker and helped raise her younger siblings. She earned her Real Estate License, sold real estate, and then became a Real Estate Broker.
She was often her own handyman and pruned her own trees and did her own yardwork. She worked alongside her husband, Lloyd Chamblin, irrigating and other farm responsibilities. She and Lloyd raised a few chickens, cows, pigs, and dogs (pugs and border collies).
Dorothy loved introducing children to life on the "farm". She loved spending time and educating her step-children, nieces and nephews, and grandchildren as to how to bottle feed calves, gather eggs, and feed the chickens from their hands, what pigs really smelled like and to take walks with the dogs and whatever critters tagged along. She loved having company and would cook massive meals, sometimes on short notice.
In recent years, after the dogs and then Lloyd, aged out of this lifetime, she switched to making a pot of hot coffee for guests and raising a clowder of feral cats and kittens that adopted her. She had a pet rooster who loved her but would keep everyone else away.
Dorothy was a very spiritual and dedicated Jehovah Witness and had many people who were near and dear to her there.
She was also known for her beautifully designed and decorated cakes. They were delicious! She was especially fond of challenges of creating and delivering wedding cakes.
Dorothy is survived by her sisters; Arlene, Rose, Helen, and brother Clifford (Pam); 6 nieces and 9 nephews; stepchildren Cheryl, Jack, Karen Hamm (Glenn), Johnny (Lisa), and several grandchildren.
She is preceded in death by her brothers Everett, Donald (Sandra), Kenny, Charlsie, and her mother and father.
Memorial on Saturday, September 26, 2020 at 1:00 pm via Zoom. Please contact Sandy. Doug and Laura Robertson have been close to Dorothy for many years. He is also the Elder who will be giving Dorothy's memorial talk
480-404-3494 Anyone who knew Dorothy is welcome to call if they have questions or would like to share memories. He asks that you leave a message if he is unable to answer. He will provide information about Zoom and codes will be provided later.
Dorothy was so grateful for the many friends and family who have assisted her with repairs and maintenance and caring for her animals. Thank you so much!
She was gracious, gifted, multifaceted with a heart of gold. Gosh, we will miss her. RIP